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Google Analytics metrics to monitor

Whether you maintain a blog for hobby or for a company, you need to know how to determine if your blog is a success or not. To determine this, you need to monitor the online traffic that visits your blog. Google Analytics is an excellent tool to have to do that. Once you do that, you need to know the Google Analytics metrics to monitor to determine if your blog is reaching the intended audience and is performing as it should or not.  RELATED: Do I need to set up Google Analytics for my website? How will it help my business grow?  Consider this scenario: You have 2 blog posts. The first blog post receives a 100 hits per day, but all of the traffic leaves your domain within 10 seconds of your website loading in their browser. You have another blog post that gets only 75 visitors per day, but almost all of those visitors spend few minutes browsing through all the other pages or posts on your website. Which blog post will you consider to be more successful, blog post 1 or 2? and why? To co

Keyword research in SEO

What is keyword research in SEO and why is it important? Have you ever wondered about keyword research and why is it important to your SEO strategy? We have you covered. In this guide we explain some definitions, show you how to use a free tool for keyword research and explain to you why it is important to do it before you implement your SEO strategy. What is a keyword? Keyword is a word or a string of words (called a phase) that users type into the search engines, to find the content they want. The most common search engine users use to find information is Google . These keywords can also be referred to as ' SEO keywords ' or 'Search Queries'. Though these terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between the two terms . Keywords are used to for SEO purposes, while search queries are what the user type in the search engines to locate the information they need.  Another common tern is long-tail keywords. Long-tail Keywords are usually longer than most

Why it is important to use social media for business

In today's digital society, using social media for business is a no brainer.  The big question is: Which platform/s should your company engage in? Should you stick to 2-3 platforms or make accounts on several? How often should you post on each platform? And what type of content should you post? In this blog post, we explain why a business (it may be a single owner business run from a basement office or a multinational corporation with branches in multiple countries) should pay attention to their social media.  Using social media for business We know that every business (no matter the size) needs social media to be able to truly leverage the digital landscape profitably. There are a few reasons why using social media correctly is important for your business.  Reasons why social media is important for business It helps with Brand awareness According to Investopedia , brand awareness is the marketing term used to describe the degree to which consumers recognize a service or product. P

A Guide to YouTube SEO: How to make video a part of your marketing strategy?

  The use of video as a marketing tool is increasing rapidly. YouTube is not just a platform for creating and uploading video content, it is the world's second largest search engine.  Creating video content on YouTube can help a business drive social engagement, increase online conversions , engage online audience visually and increase your bottom line. Plus, YouTube is great for SEO (search Engine optimization), because it increases online visibility of your website. So, whether you decide to place a video on your homepage or decide to use it on your landing page, video content should be a part of your marketing strategy. Here is a guide on how to do YouTube SEO. In this article we have outlined 3 easy to follow steps to help you successfully use video in your content marketing strategy.  Keyword research Creating and uploading video content Measuring Success How to do YouTube SEO? Keyword Research This is the first step to create video content successfully. Why is this step impor